The team from Robopod has just returned from a hugely successful Open House held at the Fanuc UK premises in Coventry. The event was a combination of live demonstrations of the latest developments in industrial automation, plus insights from industry leaders on the issues affecting UK manufacturing, and the digital transformation journey ahead for many manufacturers.

The Robopod team was very excited to demonstrate Robopod live in action. It’s a revolutionary plug-and-play reconfigurable robotics system, with an unique standardised platform, offering endless adaptable solutions plus the potential for rapid payback. Tony Parker-Watkins, Sales Director at Mechtech Automation Group, comments “we had a fabulous week at the open house, and would like to thank Fanuc UK for an extremely well organised event. There was huge interest in Robopod and it was really good to connect with so many people face-to-face and discuss their transformation journey with them. We fully support the factories of the future and Robopod is the perfect solution as its flexibility enables the building blocks of smart factories.”

For more information visit our new website

To see Robopod live in action click here.